Monday, August 31, 2009

Rounders is Still Edgy

Occasionally I like to catch up watching older movies I always wanted to see, but seemed to miss. Last night, Rounders was the flick of choice, appealing to my gambling spirit, which comes out every few months, or when I'm in Vegas. I'm not terribly good at Texas Hold 'Em, but I have a thorough understanding of how to play. The strategy of this game, as the movie so well examines, is being able to read others: calling their bluff, pushing their limits, and being confident in what you have and how you play. Same rules apply for the game of life, don't ya think?

As it stands, I LOOOOOOOOOOOoooove Ed Norton to the high heavens; probably more than any actor alive. Matt Damon I can appreciate too, but Norton's in a league of his own. I'm literally sprung on how Norton always seems to effortlessly bring sassiness and confidence to his characters; its a trait I admire. Anyway, the two characters play antitheses to each other in playing poker: one gets through by swift cheating, the other by pure people reading strategy. Metaphoric for life, the two who start as best friends end up taking two different paths, because as the wise professor tells Damon "you can't run away from who you are; your calling chooses you."

I like to apply the meaning of this to my life, and when I start to feel doubt, I push it aside, and go all in. But enough with the pep talk. The fact is I'm glad I saw the movie because it was entertaining as it was enlightening to my own life. And little gambling catharsis is always better than me betting away my pink slip, so I can't complain there. I loved this movie, and wish they'd make a part two. Though Damon has said its a possibility for the Rounders team to get back together, I'm betting its, sadly, just a bluff.

1 comment:

  1. Good call! Though not very flashy, "Rounders" is a solid film that will stand the test of time far better than most of the trash that seems to sell movie tickets.
